Hiker, Duanne Elliott, will be hiking for 500 miles on the Colorado Trail.    He has made this even more personal by raising money for The Friends of Stokes Shelter (FOSS).  This non-profit animal adoption center is close to his and his wife, Wendy’s, heart. He will be flying out to Denver Colorado on July 1st to get ready for his journey that will begin on July 3rd. The hike will begin in Denver and will end in Durango.  He will be making post to his YouTube page (https://youtube.com/@dauneelliott?si=8Uw69lN88R5SVBZB) along this amazing journey.  We can follow along and see some sites while he is on this adventure.  You can make a one time donation, pledge a certain amount per mile or even get set up with recurring donations.  

CLICK HERE to make a donation


FOSS aims to be present in our community.  The community and supporters are the ones who have/continue to make this possible.  Stop by and see us at one of the following events.